

Dr. Sunjung Lim, DVM at Great Hearts Animal Hospital of Chandler has been serving the valley since 2005 and building client-pet relationships.

Congratulations! Raffle winners!!

We, GHAHC, thank everyone who attended our open house event.
It was fun and we had a great time because of you!

Keep supporting us, We’ll do our best to give the best care to you and your family.


By |October 6th, 2015|GHAHC NEWS|0 Comments

Is your dog protected from heartworm disease?

“I have never seen mosquitos in my house.”,

“We don’t have much problem with mosquitos because it is so dry.”,

“My dog stays mostly inside the house.”

These are very common answers from many clients.

As you do see the Heartworm incidence map from American Heartworm Society, Arizona has many cases of heartworm disease. Below shows only those cases reported.













Every three years, […]

By |September 8th, 2015|Dr. Lim’s Blog|0 Comments

Warm welcome from GHAHC.



I am so excited to announce that our website is now open.

I would like to keep you updated with the most current and accurate information to every pet owner.

I hope our website is the place you can come to find information you need and you can depend on among so many sites you may not even sure if […]

By |September 4th, 2015|GHAHC NEWS|0 Comments

Keep your furry friends safe from summer heat.

Summertime is a great time to enjoy the outdoors with pets – and as long as pet owners take precautions to prevent overheating.

Symptoms of dehydration include the gums of the mouth feeling tacky to touch and/or the skin may become slow to return to its natural position when pulled up.
In mild to moderate cases, giving […]

By |August 26th, 2015|Dr. Lim’s Blog|0 Comments